Thesis supervisor

Who can act as a doctoral thesis supervisor?

Doctoral theses can be supervised by professors as indicated under Art. 1 of the external pageOrdinance on Professorships ETH (only availabe in German) i.e.:

  • ETH Zurich full professors
  • ETH Zurich associate professors
  • ETH Zurich assistant professors

Privatdozentinnen resp. Privatdozenten and adjunct professors working full-time at ETH Zurich can also act as doctoral thesis supervisors. However, this requires approval from the department. The required approval form, external pageOrdinance on Professorships ETH (PDF) (only available in German) must be called in as co-examiner. If the doctoral examination has not been taken after the expiry of this year, retired professors must give up the role of doctoral thesis supervisor and a new supervisor must be decided upon.


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