Blog posts on sustainability

How climate extremes fuel droughts and heavy rains

  • Sustainability
  • Climate change
Portrait Sonia Seneviratne

Global warming causes extreme temperatures – this is clear to most, but few realize that both droughts and heavy rains are symptomatic of a climate in crisis. Sonia Seneviratne explains the far-reaching impacts of climate extremes.

by Prof. Sonia Seneviratne

Climate change alone does not cause mass migration


Portrait Jan Freihardt

People are already being forced to flee the consequences of climate change to an alarming extent in the Global South, says Jan Freihardt. He believes, however, that Europe's fear of mass climate migration is exaggerated, since international migration has other root causes.

by Dr. Jan Freihardt

The road to Net Zero is rocky, but feasible


Portrait photo of Reto Knutti

A sustainable transition to a climate-friendly and biodiversity-rich Switzerland is only possible if we tackle the energy transition, climate change mitigation and biodiversity loss together. This will not be easy, but it is worthwhile and ultimately indispensable, says Reto Knutti.

by Prof. Reto Knutti

Biofabrication should be sustainable

  • Zukunftsblog
  • Sustainability
Portrait photo of Miriam Filippi

While living matter can advance technology and render human activities more efficient and eco-friendly, the way in which we currently fabricate materials containing living cells is far from sustainable. Miriam Filippi calls us to rethink our biofabrication practices.

by Dr. Miriam Filippi

How we can cool our cities


Portrait picture of Jan Carmeliet

Southern Europe is currently battling a heat wave. Jan Carmeliet explains how cities can tackle the summer heat. It is a balancing act that calls for finely tuned measures.

by Prof. Jan Carmeliet

We should not underestimate the increasingly warm summer temperatures


Portraitfoto of Dominik Schumacher

Despite a wet and grey June, summers in Switzerland are getting hotter than expected. The increased summer temperatures harbour risks that we are not well prepared for, says Dominik Schumacher.

by Dr. Dominik Schumacher

How can we tax electric cars without slowing down the electromobility transition?


Portrait picture of Alessio Levis

The federal government has plans to tax electric vehicles to secure funding for road infrastructure. However, a new levy could delay the switch to electromobility. Alessio Levis explains how this dilemma could be resolved.

by Alessio Levis

Thinking climate action, biodiversity and energy supply together


Portrait picture of Cyril Brunner

Renewable energies are not the main driver of biodiversity loss. It is rather the other way round: renewables can limit climate change in order to preserve biodiversity. Cyril Brunner contextualises the trade-offs from a scientific perspective.

by Dr. Cyril Brunner

Pesticide-free as a new pathway for agriculture


Portraitphoto of Robert Finger

We can transition to pesticide-free agriculture without converting to organic farming. Robert Finger outlines the advantages and challenges involved.

by Prof. Robert Finger

Recycling plastic is not a quick fix


Portrait picture of Helene Wiesinger

Recycling is an accepted formula for sustainable resource use, but in the case of plastic it can have serious side effects, says Helene Wiesinger – and uses the example of plastic flooring in Switzerland to illustrate the dilemma.

by Helene Wiesinger
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