Internal Application Pool for Administrative Assistant Positions
Take the opportunity to register in our internal application pool for Administrative Assistant functions. Please note that you should be available within approximately six months after your registration to make sure that we can keep the pool up to date.
Your registration in the pool will be treated confidentially, and you can remove yourself from the pool at any time.
Internal candidates with experience in Administrative Assistant functions (increase in workload, retirement, reorganisation and, internal transfer request). By registering, you will receive support for internal mobility. Please note that the application pool does not replace the responsibility for an active job search and updating your documents (CV, diplomas, etc.).
The recruiting team acts as a central hub. We also recommend that you involve your line manager at an early stage if you wish to make a change.
If you are interested, please apply as follows:
- Completion of the questionnaire
- external page Entry into the pool (and upload your application documents)
(For entering the pool, ideally use your private email address)
- We will arrange a meeting to get to know each other and and discuss the next steps.
- We will contact you every six months to check that your details are up to date and to see if you are interested in remaining in the pool.
In order to stay informed about which Administrative Assistant positions are currently published on the protected page internal job portal, you will receive a pool job mail with the published positions. Once you have entered the pool and completed the questionnaire; this job mail is only sent when there is a new internal job posting of an Administrative Assistant position.
You can subscribe to externally published positions as usual with our job mail of the job portal.