Projects and Resources

ETH Diversity initiates, manages and supports projects that promote a family-friendly, equality-oriented and discrimination- and barrier-free university.

Here you will find all current and past projects, where ETH Diversity was involved as well as a compilation of helpful resources:

E-Learning "Unconscious Bias"

Unconscious assumptions may cause us to unintentionally treat people unfairly or discriminate against them. In a new e-?learning module on the topic of "unconcious bias" which ETH Diversity was involved in creating, ETH members learn how such prejudices arise and the potential consequences – and how to avoid them. Try it out now!

E-Learning "Dealing with sexual harassment in everyday study and work"

The e-?learning module "Dealing with sexual harassment in everyday study and work" for all ETH members provides knowledge about forms of sexual harassment and offers tools for responding to it, either as an affected individual or as witness. In addition, find valuable information and useful materials related to the Sexual Harassment Awareness Day 2023 campaign down below. ETH Diversity contributed to this e-learning.

Sexual Harrassment Awarenessday 2023

Numerous Swiss universities, research institutions and university-related organisations launched the first national external pageSexual Harassment Awareness Day on 23 March 2023. The project, in which ETH Diversity was also involved, was led by the University of Lucerne, as part of the "P-7 Diversit?t, Inklusion und Chancengerechtigkeit in der Hochschulentwicklung (2021–2024)" programme coordinated by swissuniversities.

Free menstrual products on the ETH 捷报比分_新浪体育nba¥直播官网

In order to ensure the best possible working and studying environment for its members, ETH Zurich has simplified access to menstrual products on campus since the autumn semester 2021. ETH Diversity efforts have been instrumental in ensuring that tampons and pads are provided free of charge in so-called menstruation stations at all 4 ETH Zurich locations.

Offers for queer communities at ETH

In order to offer queer people who study or work at ETH Zurich the opportunity to network and exchange ideas, a Discord channel and regular lunch meetings have been established since the autumn semester of 2022.

Anti-Racism Resources

For Black History Month, ETH Diversity, in collaboration with author C. Mignan, ETH Diversity has compiled an extensive list of resources (literature, podcasts, social media channels) that offer the possibility to further educate oneself on various topics related to anti-racism.

Respect campaign and events

In autumn 2021, the respect campaign at ETH Zurich went into the next round. With the new slogan "Put a full stop when others don’t. Stand up for respect." and the "Respect Events", ETH Zurich once again focused on the topic of respect. ETH Diversity organised some of the events, the documentation of which can still be viewed.

Respect – Reflect – Respond: The current Respect Programme builds on the previous Respect campaigns and offers information, tutorials and dialogues on different topics. They range from collaboration and team culture to creativity, problem solving, conflict management and inclusion. With a broad selection of formats to choose from, the content you are interested in can be flexibly integrated into daily campus life.

EQUAL tools

With "EQUAL tools" ETH Diversity has compiled a catalogue of measures for the promotion of equal opportunities for women and men at (technical) universities. (Only in German)


If you have any questions about our projects or ideas for collaboration, please feel free to contact us.

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Fragen zum Diversity Award?

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