Seed grants for citizen science projects
- For researchers
- Internal news
Citizen Science Zurich awards annual seed grants for the development or realisation of projects with the involvement or participation of the public. ETH researchers can apply for funding again until 2 March 2025.
Urgently wanted: Helpers for the Cybathlon
- Community
- Internal news
For this major event, 20 volunteers are urgently needed for today and tomorrow to help prepare the race courses for the competitions.
Dual use and sanctions: these applications require security screening
Security questions are becoming increasingly important for the admission of doctoral candidates and Master's students, the invitation of guests and for employing new staff. ETH has defined the procedure for this more precisely.
Ist der ‘Zauberberg’ zu retten? – Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht speaks at ETH Zürich
The registry is open for the eighth Thomas Mann Lecture: Join us in celebrating the 100th anniversary of Thomas Mann’s ‘Der Zauberberg’ with a keynote speech by Professor Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht. ?
Follow-up solutions for print services available from December
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- Internal news
The public tender for the takeover of ETH internal printing services by external print shops was successful. From December, ETH members will be able to order directly via the external web shops of the new partner print shops.
Signing employment contracts with a single click: ETH introduces electronic signatures
- Institutional
- Internal news
As part of its efforts to maintain its reputation as an innovative and attractive employer that promotes forward-thinking solutions, ETH Zurich has introduced electronic signatures for employment contracts, reducing bureaucracy and speeding up HR processes.
Data Stewards and their emerging role in research data management
In the next 17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library, Lars Sch?bitz will present the role of ‘data stewards’ and their important function in research data management.
Wanted: Contributions for the next "life" magazine
- Community
- Internal news
- life
For the December issue of "life" magazine, we are looking for contributions for two different sections: For & Against and the Snapshot. Would you like to write an opinion piece on why Cc is or isn't needed in emails? Or do you have an eye for image details?
Humanitarian Action Challenges: Proposals wanted
- For researchers
- Internal news
The fifth call for proposals within the framework of the "Humanitarian Action Challenges" is open. The initiative supports collaborative research with humanitarian organisations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to develop solutions to humanitarian problems.
"Psychological safety is key to good cooperation and innovation"
- Institutional
- Internal news
In the keynote speech kicking off this semester's Respect programme, guest speaker Heidi M?ller explains how important psychological safety is for teams to achieve top performance. Nadia D?rflinger-Khashman, Head of the Diversity and Cooperation Department, explains why we all benefit from this lecture.