Buildings services

Services for the operation and maintenance in the buildings and outdoor areas of ETH Zurich

The Alarm Organisation comprises the Emergency Desk and the Security Service.

Emergency Desk

The Emergency Desk is the first point of contact for all incidents relating to the safety and security of people, buildings and equipment. The Emergency Desk is available 24/7/365. From internal connections, dial 888. From mobile phones, dial +41 44 342 11 88.

When an alarm is triggered, the relevant internal and external responders are alerted (including blue light organisations where appropriate) and steps are taken to identify and resolve the problem. The Emergency Desk constitutes the link between the various alarm duty managers.

The Emergency Desk also serves as an information point out of office hours.

Security Service

Out of office hours, the ETH Security Service takes the role of property manager for the ETH Zurich buildings and areas. Uniformed staff are responsible for enforcing the General House Rules and for monitoring the building security systems. They are the first to intervene if there is an incident, such as an accident, outbreak of fire or smoke, a break-in, assault or material damage.

ETH Zurich uses the Siloveda database for its energy data (EMMS – Energie- und Medienmesswerte). Please use the following login and manual for access and operation. The manual for Siloveda is available in German only. 

Login Siloveda

protected page

For event support, please contact the event management team.

The Facility Services department supports when it comes to additional furniture, keys or technical equipment as well as with cleaning.

The buildings of the ETH 捷报比分_新浪体育nba¥直播官网 Zentrum are supplied with environmentally friendly district heating. Thanks to district heating and the use of waste heat, ETH has been able to substantially reduce its consumption of fossil fuels to meet its total heating requirements. As a result, we are making a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and improving air quality.

The district heating system of ETH Zurich in the Zentrum area was taken over by the City of Zurich on 1 January 2025 and is now operated by ewz.


external page EWZ ?W?rmeverbund? (website available in German only)

We maintain and care for the green spaces at ETH

  • Maintenance and restoration of lawns and gardens
  • Interior planting for public spaces
  • Cultivation and provision of plants for teaching
  • Educational trail for teaching 
  • Provision of horticulture spaces for practical work
  • Snow-clearing
  • Recycling of organic material
  • Obtaining compost from the H?nggerberg compost site (see below)

Do you want to use the green spaces, or do you have any suggestions or questions about plants? Please contact the relevant gardener directly.

Contact Green spaces on 捷报比分_新浪体育nba¥直播官网 Zentrum

Christian B?ni

Download Download contacts for Green Spaces 捷报比分_新浪体育nba¥直播官网 Zentrum (PDF, 149 KB)

Contact Green spaces on 捷报比分_新浪体育nba¥直播官网 H?nggerberg

Fritz Graber
Download Download contacts for Green Spaces 捷报比分_新浪体育nba¥直播官网 H?nggerberg (PDF, 135 KB)

H?nggerberg compost site

Green waste generated from working in the grounds is composted and reused. ETH members can obtain compost from the Grounds Office; you fill your own containers yourself: small amounts only, by prior arrangement.

The Facility Services department maintains all heating, ventilation, air conditioning, cooling, sanitation and electrical systems at ETH. We ensure that the entire infrastructure operates safely and economically.

Temperature in the lecture halls

The air conditioning systems in the lecture halls are set to an average temperature. If the temperature is considerably too high or too low, there may be a fault. Don’t hesitate to tell us your concerns so that we can check the system immediately: Real estate services portal

The Facility Services department is responsible for repairs and minor renovation work.

If you identify a fault, please let us know via the real estate services portal.

  • Advice/planning of carpentry work
  • Production/modification of furniture, interior fittings and exhibition furniture
  • Installation of furniture, wardrobes, blackboards/ wall boards and interior fittings
  • Repairs to interior fittings, furniture, wooden windows and doors
  • Purchasing/ordering of timber and panels, fittings etc.

Placing an order

A carefully completed order form helps us to process your order: Real estate services portal/GMIS > carpentry order

Enquiries can be made by telephone or email.

Structural alterations and adaptations to rooms must be authorised by the Real Estate department or the management of the building division.


Carpentry at the Zentrum campus: Martin Dosch
Carpentry at the H?nggerberg campus: Oliver Zgraggen
Download Information flyer carpentry (PDF, 448 KB)

Service level description

The service level description describes the service mandate for the operation and maintenance of the buildings of ETH Zurich by the Facility Services department. 

Download Service Level Description | Facility Services (PDF, 2.4 MB)

The cost of additional services and higher quality standards is calculated according to the price list for additional services

Download Price list additional services | Facility Services (PDF, 89 KB)


Facility Services

ETH Zurich
Facility Services
Binzmühlestrasse 130
8092 Zürich

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