Workspaces for students
Workspaces and learning environments are available in various ETH buildings throughout the year.
List learning environments: EduApp > Study Environments
Feedback learning environments
Damage discovered?
Create a report in the ETH reporting portal.
Questions or uncertainties?
In case of emergency:
The alarm center is available 24 hours a day:
- Internal: 888
- External: +41 44 342 11 88
Rectorate rooms:
Open seminar and meeting rooms of the rectorate may be used temporarily as working places outside of room reservations. Please follow the rules of use and house rules.
Rules of use:
- Working places may be used by all ETH students.
- It is not allowed to reserve/block a working place.
- Technical equipment may not be used.
- All students are asked to be quiet and respectfully.
- No food or drink is allowed in the room.
- It is not permitted to remove furniture. Furniture needs to be treated carefully.
- Please leave the rooms 15 minutes before the start of room reservation and leave it clean and tidy.
- Please use the lock only in case of emergency.
- Working places need to be cleared at the evening. Please close door and windows and switch of lights.
- In case of cleaning, all working places must be cleared without being asked.
- Instructions of Facility Services need to be followed.
Please adhere to these rules, otherwise we will unfortunately have to close the room.
ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich
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