General information

Important information

Additional costs

  • International fee $65 and visa costs (DS-2019)
  • Orientation in fall $435 including housing and in spring $75
  • Higher living costs (per semester)
    • Accommodation: $2,639 for Brown Hall (double rooms) and $4,027 for East 捷报比分_新浪体育nba¥直播官网 Village (apartment style)
    • Food (7 days meal plan): $2,129
    • Books, etc.: $500
    • Personal expenses: $1,150
    • Health insurance (compulsory): $1,194 for fall and $1,662 for spring


Open this link to external pageaccommodation at the University of Georgia and an external pageoff-campus housing guide.

Course planning

Students who wish to enrol as graduate students must already hold a Bachelor’s degree. The Bachelor’s degree certificate must be submitted to the University of Georgia as soon as possible to ensure timely student course registration but at the latest by the time the exchange begins.

Applying to the partner university

Application to the UGA should proceed just a few weeks after nomination by the Student Exchange Office. This means that the UGA application documents must be assembled within a short time. Further information on the application process will be sent to you by UGA via email after the nomination of ETH.  Here you find information on the external pageUGA application procedure.

Important information

At the time of application to the Department of Architecture, the applicant must hold the Bachelor's degree or have verifiably registered for any remaining final examinations. If the applicant is nominated, they must submit the Bachelor's degree request immediately after passing these examinations (following the grading conference in ca. mid-February). Refer to the D-ARCH website for information on the application procedure and the respective documents required.

Additional costs

Costs for exchange students are estimated at ca $12,367 per semester. 


For information open this link to external pageaccommodation at the Harvard University in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

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